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Help Me Make More Milk!

One of the most common breastfeeding issues I am asked to provide professional guidance for relates to low milk supply. There are often multiple factors that contribute to low milk supply which can all be very stressful and challenging for a new mother.

This blog will give you step by step guidance on how to successfully increase your milk supply. Unfortunately, there is no magic pill or quick fix but with patience, dedication, and professional support, your milk supply can and WILL increase!!

  • Breastfeed your baby often- every 2-3 hours or sooner if your baby is showing signs of being hungry

  • Ensure baby is latched deeply to your breast in order to drink well

  • Massage and compress your breast throughout the feed to encourage active drinking and adequate breast emptying

  • When compressing the breast, hold the ‘squeeze’ for 5-6 seconds before releasing-it is not a ‘pumping’ action and do not squeeze too forcefully (gentle yet firm)

  • Compress in different areas of the breast-remember your milk ducts go around your entire breast

  • Offer your second breast once baby has softened your first breast

  • Don’t let breastfeeding become a battle. If your baby is showing frustration with the milk flow, turning away from the breast or crying, do not ever force your baby to latch

  • After breastfeeding, hand express or pump to maximize milk removal and help increase your milk production

  • Pump for 15-20 minutes/side or 15-20 minutes of double pumping

  • When pumping, massage and apply moist heat to your breasts to aid in milk flow

  • Sometimes it helps to take some deep breaths, listen to relaxing music, drink some water, or visualize waterfalls of breast milk flowing

  • When you are more relaxed your oxytocin will flow allowing your milk to let-down easier

  • Hand express both breasts for 2-3 minutes after pumping

  • Any additional milk you can remove from the breasts (even a few mls per/side)after baby feeds or a pumping session is helping to ‘call for more milk’

  • Pump or hand express close to your baby. Being able to see and hear your baby can help your milk flow better

  • Try power pumping-this means picking an hour during the day and pumping as follows: Pump for 20 minutes, rest for 10 minutes, pump for 10 minutes, rest for 10 minutes, and then finish with one more 10 minute pump

  • Make sure you have access to a good quality breast pump. Sometimes you may need to rent a hospital grade pump which has a much stronger motor than some smaller electric pumps

  • Visit the First Droplets website for some excellent videos on milk expression (

  • Hold your baby skin to skin as much as possible

  • If your milk supply doesn’t appear to be increasing with the above actions over the course of a week or so, and you are still concerned about your milk production, talk to your Doctor about prescription Domperidone or Motillium that can help increase milk supply

  • You can also consider taking herbal galactagogues that may help increase milk supply such as fenugreek, blessed thistle, goat’s rue, Shatavari, and Moringa (Please talk to your primary health care provider before starting any herbal supplements)

  • Foods that are high in fiber are also helpful in supporting lactation-oatmeal, whole grains, and green leafy vegetables are favored by a lot of breastfeeding mothers. But remember there is no ‘magic food’ that can replace the importance of regular milk removal

  • Remember that maternal self care is very important. Make sure you are eating, drinking, and getting enough rest

  • Some questions to ask yourself if you are struggling with milk production are: Did I have changes to my breasts during pregnancy? Is my baby latching well? Have I ever had breast surgery? Do I have thyroid related issues? Do I have PCOS? Have I struggled with milk supply issues in the past? Am I experiencing an unusual amount of stress?

  • Know where to seek help if you are struggling with breastfeeding and require support from a Lactation Consultant

Nourish Lactation is here for you Mamas! If you are struggling with low milk supply, please contact us for an appointment so we can assess a complete breastfeeding session and collaboratively come up with a breastfeeding plan that works best for you and your family. We are here for you 7 days a week and provide complimentary phone/text/e-mail support to all our clients.