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Sleep Patterns in the First Year

Did you know your baby's sleep changes as they grow? It usually occurs right around the time you finally feel like you’ve gotten into a good groove and have everything figured out. Welcome to parenthood, forever guessing and second guessing all your decisions. 

Although I don’t know all the answers to your infinite baby questions (I truly wish I did) I do know a lot about sleep and hopefully this blog will help take some of those questions off your list. 

Newborn Sleep 0-3 months

Let’s start with newborns. Our babies develop rapidly in their first year of life and a lot of their growth occurs while they sleep. Hence why our newborns sleep A LOT (15-18 hours)!

One of the big things that is developing during the newborn phase is their circadian rhythm. Due to this not being fully developed, babies can often get their days and nights confused along with having unpredictable sleep patterns. 

Some tips to help navigate the newborn phase are; 

  • exposure to the sun during the daytime

  • instilling a consistent bedtime routine

  • creating a healthy and safe sleep environment

  • being mindful of their awake windows between naps

  • separating days and nights into 12 hour blocks 

  • Work on putting them down in their bassinet drowsy, not fully asleep at bedtime and the first of the day. 

  • Making sure they aren’t sleeping too much during the day (see sleep chart for guidance). 

Infant Sleep 4-11 months

As our babies transition from being newborns into infants their sleep changes. The big topic of conversation usually revolves around Developmental Milestones and Sleep Regressions. The most common one we hear about is the 4 month sleep regression. 

What is this regression? This when our babies go from two sleep cycles to four! Those two new sleep cycles are lighter stages of sleep which can cause more night wakings and difficulty falling asleep as your baby adjusts. 

Some tips to help navigate the infant phase are; 

  • Follow awake periods to avoid an overtired baby (see sleep chart for guidance). 

  • Work on putting your infant down awake not drowsy (stage 1 of sleep). This will help them be able to enter sleep cycles independently which will extend the length of their sleep. 

  • Try implementing at least 2 naps in their crib.

  • Be mindful of sleep aids or props such as soothers, feeding to sleep, rocking to sleep, etc. and try working on developing independent sleep skills. 

  • When regressions hit try to stay consistent with your sleep schedule and PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE those new emerging skills during their awake windows. Check out my blog on developmental milestones for tips and tricks to navigate those trying times!

Toddler Sleep 1 year +

Our babies are becoming little people that are searching for autonomy but are also still very much needing our support. Some common sleep struggles are nap transitions, separation anxiety, nightmares, night terrors or fears of the dark.

Some tips to help navigate the toddler phase are; 

  • BOUNDARIES!!! This one can be the toughest but it’s so important that we create safe healthy boundaries for our toddlers.

  • Consistent bedtime routine. This is a great age to bring in some visuals and a clock to help create external boundaries but also allow your little one to make some independent choices. E.g. “which pajamas would you like to wear tonight?”, “which book would you like to read before bed?”. Provide two to three options for them to pick from.

  • Common age for transitioning to 1 nap is 15 months but it can occur anytime between 12-18 months of age. (see sleep chart for guidance). 

  • For those struggling with some fears or anxiety around bedtime you can introduce a special stuffy/bedtime friend that they can sleep with at night, a nightlight (you will want this to be the colour of the sunset red, yellow, orange), and end your bedtime routine filling about their imaginary dream backpack filled with dreams they wish to have!

  • Nightmares and Night terrors can show up during the toddler phase. This can be hard on everyone in the household so if you are struggling or are unsure of which one your toddler is experiencing check out my blog.

Sleep is a journey during the first few years of our child’s life. It is not uncommon for our little ones to have sleep regressions and progressions as they grow and develop. 

The importance during this time is that we are consistent with our approaches, we provide them a healthy, safe sleep environment and the tools they need to be able to put themselves to sleep. 

Sleep is important for EVERYONE’S mental and physical well being! I truly can’t stress this enough and if you are needing some extra support or have some sleep questions feel free to contact me anytime. 

Ashley Fricker has been working with children for over a decade. She has her advanced diploma as a child and youth worker, her certificate as a sleep sense consultant and is a recognized member of the Association of Professional Sleep Consultants. She is a proud mother to a 3 year old and the owner of Mountains of Sleep. Ashley believes in community support especially when navigating parenthood. Her passion and empathetic approach for helping others makes her the perfect support companion along your child's sleep journey. 

Connect with Ashley or visit Mountains of Sleep to learn more about the sleep supports she offers. Also check out her instagram page to get continuous sleep tips and be part of the motherhood community!